We are a group of volunteers from all backgrounds and walks of life working to build a strong, safe, healthy and happy community in Columbia Valley.
Our community is large and diverse, and we enjoy a rural lifestyle in an environment full of abundant natural resources and extraordinary beauty. However, we are challenged by geographic isolation combined with a desire to preserve our lifestyle. It's a delicate balance between not enough and too much, but we believe we can find that balance by calling on the intelligence, skills, talents, experience, generosity, wisdom and participation of the people of our community. We believe that if we work together creating a strong, sustainable community and draw from our internal resources we can maintain our lifestyle and overcome the challenges we now have by providing for ourselves from within our community.
Our Vision
Creating a self-reliant, safe, healthy and happy community in Columbia Valley.
Our Mission
Building community and creating sustainable programs and projects that encourage community self-reliance and provide transformational and meaningful benefits that improve the quality of life for all our residents for generations to come.